Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Where I’m From

I am from playing my Ps3 and listening to my iPod

From buying games from GameSpot

I am from playing video games and working on Gizmos

I am from digging in the dirt and collecting rocks

I am from traveling on holidays

And listening to family comedy

From Lisa, and Tom, and Tommy

I am from entertaining Si -Fi movies

And driving to South Portland

to visit the comic book store

From “Don’t do drugs” and

“Don’t play with guns or knives”

I’m from the hospital in Portland, from hot dogs and Fanta orange

and hawaiian pizza

I am from the wall in the living-room where pictures

of family trips are hanging


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is an awesome poem! You used great details in it and they all flowed together so well. The only thing that I noticed you may want to change, is when you say, "And listening to family comedy." Why it is family comedy? Overall great job, I really enjoyed reading this.

    Like your poem, I wrote one similiar that I'll share with you.
    I am from music blaring iPods, from nike sneakers and abercrombie shorts. I am from sitting by the warm fireplace in the winter. I am from the big soccer fields, the freshly cut grass. I am from sitting by the pool every summmer and loud converstations at dinner, from Jim, Kerry, and Cortney and Claudia. I am from the coffee and donuts every sunday morning and sitting outside in the warm summer sun. From "Use your manners" and "I love you more." I'm from a small town Maine town, grilled turkey burgers and sweet potato fries. I am from the framed photos sitting on the coffee table.
