Thursday, April 7, 2011


Where I’m From

I am from flat screen TV’s and exciting PS3

From Lays potato chips and Sony

I am from laying in the sun, playing with my cat,

staring at the moon, and climbing trees

From the brown fence that borders the lawn, and the ash trees surrounding my house

I am from eating turkey on Thanksgiving and a great sense of humor

From Rachel and Nate, and Gavin

I am from connect sports and going for long walks down our road

From “Clean your room” and “Feed the dogs and cats”

I am from Park-View, and Maine, from boiled shrimp, and chopped steak

From the family pictures packed in boxes in the attic

1 comment:

  1. Elijah,

    This is such a wonderful way to express yourself! To be honest, I had a bit of trouble connecting to you personally because I didn't know where you came from (your past). This poem gives me an opportunity to see your life story and it brings a new light to your personality. For instance, I now know that we both like seafood and steak and long walks around the neighborhood.

    There were just a couple of things that I would like to know a little more about. Maybe you could help me see your neighborhood and adventures a little better by telling me what kind of cat you have and where you play with him/her and what kind of trees you climb. Do you climb the same trees that surround your yard.

    Finally, I'll conclude with a poem of my own tonight. If you have any suggestions for my poem, please feel free to comment!:

    I am from running shoes and baseballs,
    from Cessna and O.S. Engines,

    I am from the cool, crisp mornings and wet dew on bare feet,
    from endless contrails floating on blue sky.

    I am from the warm breeze of summer,
    the too-tall green grass in the front yard.

    I am from decorating the tree and thoughtful family discussion,
    from Beth and Scott and Priddle.

    I am from spring bass fishing and fall deer hunting.

    I am from "sit up straight" and "pull your chair in."

    I'm from Portland and Georgia and New York,
    "lobsta" and rib eye steak.

    I am from boxes in the spare bedroom of time gone by, archived forever.

    I am from now and I am from present.

    Talk to you tomorrow!
