Thursday, April 7, 2011


Where I’m From

I am from skiing in Lost Valley, and riding unicycles at WOW camp

From vanilla ice-cream at Cold Stone, City and Viking Playmobile men

I am from the two story, tan house, looking at the bright stars with my cousins

From gazing for Rudolf on Christmas Eve with my family, and being cared about by mom and dad

From Mark and Karen and Ella, Bergeron and Smith

I am from watching movies with my mom and dad curled up on the couch, and cruising down Fox Hole

From “No monsters” and “Santa is real”

I’m from Maine, juicy turkey , and creamy whoopee pies that make a mess

I am from the photo album where all my family pictures are kept safe


  1. Very interesting, you sound just like a professional poet. I'm beginning to think you like to wright about ice cream a lot, I see it in many of your stories. I think that is perfectly fine, every artist/author have some sort of signature in their work.
    I Love the sentence "I am from watching movies with my mom and dad curled up on the couch". I use to do that all the time.
    Any way right after that you mention "...and cruising down Fox Hole".
    What is Fox Hole? and does that have anything to do with curling up with your family on the couch. Usually you want to keep things in parallel for example,
    I am from cooking pasta
    from american and cheddar cheese macaroni to traditional spaghetti
    Notice how I kept foods with foods
    But any way very well thoughts put in nice order. I really like your ending it knocks your crowed out with awwwww....
    What is WOW camp?

  2. I am from radio controlled airplanes
    from Ef-2000s and traditional cubs
    I am from the little maroon house shaped for a small family.
    I am from the open land, the place where animals come and go as they please.
    I am from egg-ng Thanksgiving day
    and enjoying winter's stormy greys
    from Inma, Jim, and Dan
    I am from the casual eating in buffets
    and watching movies while we lay,
    from "what is popular may not always be true,"
    and "what is true may not always be popular."
    I'm from Spain
    where rice and seafood is always the mood.
    I am from the binders full of pictures sitting on the living room shelf.
